Printed folding cartons are one of the most widely used packaging solutions anywhere in the world. The immense popularity of this style of packaging is the result of a broad range of factors and these advantages include favourable cost-efficiency, a high level of versatility, simplicity of storage, and immense practicality, among many others, when compared to many other packaging solutions. Printed corrugated cardboard folding cartons are also structurally very sound, which makes them well suited to the task of safely protecting your products or items from the risk of being damaged during stacking and/or shipping.

While this type of packaging material is widely available within Australia, the task of choosing the best suited option for your product can be confusing or daunting especially for many first-time buyers. This makes it critical that you seek out an experienced manufacturer like Express Packaging to help ensure you find the very best printed folding cartons that are best suited for your needs. An experienced manufacturer can help you work through and decide on some of the most important factors that you must consider before you start ordering including the following:

The Requirements Of Your Product

Prior to beginning your search for a suitable supplier either online or in person, it is critical for any business to first decide on what your needs and requirements for your items are. This includes an understanding on the following: level of protection, dimensions, thickness, shape, colour, and overall design, amongst others. For example, if your product is potentially quite fragile and will be shipped long distances rather than being displayed in the store, a printed corrugated folding carton could be a perfect option. If aesthetics and overall print quality is important for you, you may opt for a higher-quality material with an excellent overall finish. Once you have worked through these factors and decided on your requirements, your business will then be in the best position to work with a manufacturer to decide on the most suitable packaging option for your product.

Selecting the Right Manufacturer/ Supplier

It is critical that before you make an investment in purchasing packaging for your business that you do your homework on the supplier you choose to work with. Checking on critical information such as years in the business, reputation in the industry, and an understanding of the kind of products the supplier makes and the standard of those products in the marketplace. Visiting our About Us section on our website will give you detailed information about Express Packaging with all this information and more, ensuring you know you are dealing with some of the most experienced and trusted experts in the Packaging Industry.

Overall Product Quality and Total Cost

Whilst many businesses can be tempted to opt for the lowest cost option to ensure maximum savings, it is critically important to ensure that these savings do not come with the cost of sacrificing product quality in the process. Ultimately, quality and cost should be considered together rather than separately. At Express Packaging, we believe that high quality packaging works as a reflection of the high quality products that packaging contains, and that businesses who are prepared to invest in purchasing high quality packaging will reap the benefits of that investment both short and long term in boosts to both overall sales and enhanced brand reputation.

These are just some of the various factors that can greatly assist you in your search for the best suited printed folding cartons for your business that can both highlight and enhance the aesthetic value of your product. To consumers today, first impressions are crucial in any business transaction and the product packaging you choose can greatly influence your customers behaviour. This is why it is critical to choose an experienced manufacturer who can help guide you in making the right choice for your business.

Contact Us today at Express Packaging to talk with on of our expert staff about how we can help grow your business through optimal packaging solutions.