2 Cell Layback Counter Unit

2 Tier Layback Counter Unit
Counter displays such as these can be designed to hold any product you want to launch into any retail outlet, Supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol stations, any retail counter environment. We have multiple sub categories from which to choose a design to ensure you are creating a marketing tool that will be an attractive, sound and cost-effective display.

Brochure Counter Unit
Get your clear and unobstructed message, directly to your target audience with any of our custom brochure holder or literature display designs!

3 Cell Counter Unit
Colorful and effective 3 item (Cell) displays can have a huge impact on impulse shoppers when designed successfully.

Catalogue Counter Unit
Freestanding catalogue or brochure stand. Generally made in A4, but immensely variable. Made from strong, durable corrugated board the unit is light and strong for busy counters.